Рецептата е от списание Cucina Moderna. Some time ago I ate beans, but I did not like. Now I learned how to white beans and the taste is much better. Terrine that can prepare and peas.
Questa ricetta è di una rivista di Cucina Moderna. Qualche tempo fa ho mangiato i fave, ma non mi piaceva. Ora ho preparo a questo modo di fave e il sapore è molto gustose. Questa terrina che può preparare con piselli.
8 eggs 250 g plain beans (1.2 kg of leaves)
salami 150 g green onions 30 g butter
salt, pepper
Boil beans in a bowl of boiling salted water for 20 minutes, then dry them with a hand under running water remove skins crush them between your fingers. The idea is be removed and the inner shell, which is any grain.
Break the eggs into a bowl, add a pinch of salt, freshly ground black pepper and finely chopped onions. Beat eggs with a fork. Dress form cake with parchment. (You can get wet and drain). Melt 10 g butter in a pan, pour 1 / 3 of the eggs and fry on medium heat stirring with a wooden spoon until it starts to thicken slightly. Pour the bottom of the form, divide half the beans and diced salami. Prepare the same way another third of mixture and add the form. Pour remaining beans and sausage, make the last part of the eggs, again slightly compressed. Bake in oven at 170 degrees for about 20 minutes.
8 uova
250 g fave sgusciate (1,2 kg circa con il baccello)
150 g di salame
un mazzetto di erba cipollina
30 g di burro
sale, pepe
Lessate le fave in una pentola con boiling salted water for 20 minutes, then drain them, mash them quickly under running water and the skins Privatel crushed between your fingers. Break the eggs into a bowl, add a pinch of salt, plenty of freshly ground pepper and chopped chives with scissors. Beat with a fork just enough to mix the ingredients. A mold lined with half-liter box with a sheet of baking paper wet and wrung out. Melt 10g butter in a frying pan, pour one third of the eggs, cook over medium heat scramble with a wooden spoon) until they start to thicken, there are still a bit 'creamy. Pour on the bottom of the mold, spread over half of the beans e del salame a piccoli dadini. Cuocete allo stesso modo un altro terzo di composto e sistematelo nello stampo. Coprite con le fave e il salame rimasti e completate con l'ultima parte delle uova, sempre strapazzate. Mettete lo stampo in forno a 170 ° e cuocete per 20 minuti.