Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Acheter Isadora De Troikatronix

Pagnotta alle rose * Bread rose

Тази питка приготвих the idea of \u200b\u200b Marie-Angela . Dough made in this recipe , without add cheese and caraway. To become bulky roses in the middle made small balls of dough, brushed them with egg yolk and wallowed in poppy seeds. Here are step by step how to shape the roses.
Questo pane preparato con l'idea di Mari-Angela . L'impasto ho fatto di questa ricetta ma senza aggiungere formaggio e cumino. Per diventare più voluminoso rose in mezzo in piccole palline di pasta, spennellare con tuorlo e si rotolava in semi di papavero. Qui ci sono passo dopo passo come modellare le rose.
Make 8 small balls. Each ball brush with egg yolk and roll in a bowl of poppy seeds.
Fare le otto piccole palline. Ogni palla spennellare con tuorlo e rotolare in una ciotola di semi di papavero.
Divide the dough into 9 equal balls. Eight of them roll out a circle with a thickness of 1 / 2 inches
Dividete l'impasto in nine palline uguali. Otto di loro stendere un cerchio con uno spessore di 1 / 2 cm.
In the middle of each Circle put one small ball of dough and cut the four corners.
Al centro di ogni cerchio metti una pallina di pasta e tagliare i quattro angoli.
Take one part mid Giri un lato del mezzo

after her second, third and fourth .. . to receive a rose.
dopo il suo secondo , terzo e quarto ... ecco una rosa .
Put in the middle of one of the cakes and arrange around eight roses.
Metti una palla in mezzo e disporre circa otto rose .
Spread cake with egg yolk and scatter with sesame. Leave to double in size.
Spennellare con tuorlo e con sesamo. Lasciate lievitare a raddoppio il suo volume.
След час загряваме фурната на 180С и изпичаме за около 40 минути до златисто.
Dopo circa ore, preriscaldare a forno a 180C e cuocere per circa 40 minuti fino alla doratura.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

What Color Shirt With Black Tie

Cantuccini * Kantuchini or double-baked biscuits

Традиционни бисквити almonds in the region of Tuscany. They call them biscuits from Prato (biscotti di Prato) or kantuchini (corners). Biscuits (biscotti) in Italian means twice baked. Osobenosta them in double baking, once in the form of bread baguette, and a second time as sweet. Very tasty and aromatic, can be stored for long periods without dry. Bake most often around the Christmas holidays. Consumed with popular Vin Santo (a traditional dessert wine), but are equally delicious with milk coffee or cognac. Many are popular worldwide.

400 g flour 220 g sugar

200 g almonds 40 g butter

1 tsp ammonia soda or baking powder
3 eggs (1 yolk for spreads)

pinch of salt 1 orange peel vanilla

Bake the nuts and cool them. Nice beat eggs with sugar, add melted butter and spices. Add the flour to Raising, obarkavame well. Knead dough slightly sticky, helping with the meal can not stick to hands. Transfer on desktop, rolled and applied in addition nuts. Knead well. Shape 2-3 rolls and arrange on parchment in the pan. Spread with beaten egg yolk. Bake at 190 C for 20 min to zlatisto sprinkled. Vadim from oven and cool on the grill a few minutes. Meanwhile, reduce oven 170S. With a sharp knife rezhem slices 1 cm thick. Arrange them in the tray and return them in the oven for 10-15 minutes Cooling.

400 g di farina
220 g di zucchero
200 g di mandorle non spellate
40 g di burro
3 uova (1 tuorlo per spennellare)
a cucchiaino di lievito chimico in polvere
un pizzico di sale
scorza di arancia o limone

Accendete il forno a 190 ° e fatevi tostare le mandorle ben disposte su una placca per 3-4 minuti, then remove them from the oven and allow to cool. Then proceed to form the dough for the nooks: put three eggs in a bowl and add a pinch of salt and sugar. Fitted very well until mixture is puffy and fluffy. Now add the melted butter and warm, orange peel and vanilla and stir. Stir in the flour sifted with baking powder and mix all ingredients well. Once you have a soft crumb mixture, add almonds hours cooled, transfer the mixture onto a floured surface and compattatelo hand to get a ball uniform. Divide this mixture into two or three balls of the same size and they obtained two or three small loaves approximately 30cm long. Transfer the loaves on a baking sheet with parchment paper, lightly brush them with beaten egg and cook for 20 minutes in oven at 190 °. After this time, remove the loaves, let cool a few minutes and proceed to cut it diagonally to get the biscuits about 1 cm. Arrange the biscuits on the plate and gotten back to you "toast" in the oven at 170 degrees for about 15 minutes.

Friday, December 24, 2010

When Fertile After A Chemical Pregnancy

Buon Natale * Merry Christmas * Merry Christmas

Весела Коледа на всички, които се отбиват here! May all your dreams and wishes come true!
Be healthy, happy and very loved!

Buon Natale a tutti che leggono qui! Possano tutti i vuoi sogni sono desideri diventano realtà!
Essere salute, felice e molto amato!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Barbi Doll Dreess Modals

Braciole di maiale con crema di zucca e taleggio * steak sauce and cheese pumpkin

I always saw the pumpkin as a fruit and culinary terms I make it underrated as I produce it only of pumpkin or roasted pumpkin with sugar. This winter when we were with many pumpkins I decided to see what how we prepare and various dishes with it. So I found this recipe online Giallo e Zafferano . I showed it to my husband and he wanted to prepare it. I mean, I thought it was a very tasty dish. Really really liked and so started my love of pumpkin as a vegetable. Stay tuned for more delicious ideas with pumpkin soon.

Ho sempre visto la zucca come frutto e in termini culinari ho sottovalutato come l'ho fatto solo a pie di zucca o in forno con lo zucchero. Questo inverno, quando eravamo con le zucche molti ho deciso di vedere cosa preparare. Così ho trovato questa ricetta nel sito Giallo e Zafferano . Ho mostrato a mio marito e voleva prepararlo. Voglio dire, ho pensato che fosse un piatto molto gustoso. Ci è piaciuto molto e così cominciai il mio amore di zucca come un vegetale. Aspettando idee più delizioso con la zucca al più presto.
1 tablespoon seasoning for meat
4 steak
3-4 tablespoons
olive oil 1 bunch of parsley Salt

and pepper 2 tablespoons soy sauce
200 g cheese or brie-type cheese melted slaysove
½ dose sauce pumpkin

Pumpkin Sauce:
2 cloves garlic
5-6 basil leaves 1 liter broth
vegetable oil 30 g

2 onions 1 sprig marjoram

2 tablespoons
olive oil 200 g potatoes
Salt and pepper Parsley

2-3 sage leaves

Thyme 600 g peeled pumpkin pieces

seasoned steaks and fry them in oil. Remove them. In same pan pour pumpkin sauce, soy sauce and mix. Add steaks boil for a minute. Put on each steak on a slice of cheese and remove from heat.
seasoned with parsley and serve.
For the sauce, fry finely chopped onions in butter and olive oil. Add potatoes and diced pumpkin and cook gently. Add broth, reduce heat and let it suffocate and well cooked vegetables. Herbs zararzhete with thread to prevent collapse until cooked. Remove them before blending. Puree in a blender and season with salt and pepper and oil. You can add малко пармезан накрая за аромат.
in Italian
Ingredients: 1 tablespoon

4 flavors for roasted pork chops about one o'clock
150 g 3-4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 1 bunch parsley

salt, pepper 2 tablespoons
soy sauce 200 g
1 / 2 dose pumpkin cream

For the pumpkin soup: 2 cloves of garlic

5-6 basil leaves 1 liter of broth
30 g butter 2 onions

1 sprig of marjoram
2 tablespoons olive oil 200 g potato

pepper 1 bunch parsley is
2-3 sage leaves 1 sprig of thyme

600 g pumpkin flesh clean

Take chops with pesto and beat until meat resulting in a thickness of about 1 cm, then put in a Lie down and oil non-stick pan chops, sprinkle with spices to roast. Let them brown on both sides and then remove from pan and keep warm. In the same pot, add cream of pumpkin soup previously prepared, add the soy sauce and mix well. Add the chops, let them season for a minute with the sauce of pumpkin and then put on each one of them a slice of Taleggio. Cover the pan with a lid and allow it the time necessary for the taleggio melts, then sprinkle with finely chopped parsley and serve immediately with plenty of chops accompanying sauce cooking.
For the sauce, cut the pumpkin flesh into small pieces, peel the potatoes and also cut into squares. Peel onions, chop finely and put them to fry in a pan with butter, olive oil and garlic, add the crushed pieces of pumpkin and potatoes, and stir, let it soak. Add little by little, when necessary, the vegetable broth, then tied in a bundle of herbs and mix them with other ingredients, adding more broth as needed, let them cook for about 25-30 minutes on low heat. After this time, remove the bouquet garni of herbs and pass the cream in a blender, and add salt, once you get the desired consistency and add freshly ground pepper and a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil. If you want you can servirer the hot cream, accompanied by a generous sprinkling of Parmesan cheese and toasted croutons.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Mario Salieri Filme On Line

Peperoni farciti con riso e tonno * Camby stuffed with rice and tuna

4 камби
60 грама ориз
4 с.л. зехтин

a clove of garlic 1 can tuna
50 g green olives with peppers 1 tablespoon

chopped parsley Salt and pepper Wash

bells, let them dry and then It cut the cap with a handle. Remove seeds, salt and leave them upside down to get out the water.
Boil rice in a large quantity of boiling water. Put in a bowl cooked rice, parsley, chopped olives, a tin of tuna and 3 tablespoons olive oil and mix well. Add salt and pepper. Fill the peppers and cover with lids. Serve cold.
4 peperoni rosi
60 g di riso Vialone nano
4 cucchiai di olio extravergine d'oliva
uno spicchio d'aglio
a scatola di tonno
50 g di olive verdi con peperoni
un cucchiaio di prezzemolo tritato

Lavate i peperoni, asciugateli poi privateli della calotta con il picciolo, estraete i semi e teneteli da parte; lightly season with salt inside and upside down on a plate so that they lose some of the water in vegetation.
Cook rice in abundant salted boiling water. Put it in the bowl of rice, parsley, chopped olives, a tin of tuna and 3 tablespoons oil and stir. Add salt and pepper. Stuffed peppers cover them with their caps. Serve cold.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Sleeping Baby In Laundry Basket

Pane arrotolato * Envy sweet bread

И отново ароматен хляб само, че с друга рецепта and shape. Wonderfully complemented with ricotta or cream cheese.
E pane aromatico di nuovo, ma con nuova ricetta e forma. Meravigliosamente completato con ricotta.

400 650 g flour 200 g semolina

25 g yeast
½ teaspoon
sugar 200 g olives black pitted
50 g anchovies in oil
100 g dried tomatoes
50 g grated Provolone cheese or other cheese oregano

Rosemary Olive oil Salt and pepper

Dissolve yeast in a bowl of sugar and 100 ml of warm water and leave for 15 minutes Sift flour into a deep bowl, add salt, yeast and water so as to obtain a soft dough. Shape Ball, omazhete with oil and cover to double in size in about 30 minutes to warm. Cut olives into small pieces, tomatoes and anchovies too. Roll out the dough to a rectangle 1 cm thick, spread over the filling and spices, roll. Rolled, place in a suitable pan, brush with olive oil and allow to double volume for 30 minutes Sprinkle with fresh rosemary and bake in 180C for about 35 minutes

in italiano:
400 g di farina 00
200 g di farina di semola di grano duro
25 g di lievito di birra
mezzo cucchiaino di zucchero
200 g di olive nere snocciolate
50 g di acciughe sott'olio
100 g di pomodori secchi
50 g di provolone grattugiato

extra virgin olive oil salt, pepper

Crumble the yeast into a bowl, combine the sugar, cover with a dl of warm water and let stand for 15 minutes. Sift the flour on a pastry board, make up the fountain and pour the water with the dissolved yeast. Add salt and knead, adding more warm water until dough is soft; affect cross and wet with a little oil, then cover with a cloth and let rise for an hour and a half in a warm place. Coarsely chopped olives, anchovies and sundried tomatoes. Roll out the dough on floured surface to obtain a rectangle 1 cm high, sprinkle with the chopped tomatoes, anchovies and olives and then with provolone and oregano. Arrotolate la pasta e sistematela in una teglia unta d'olio; lasciate lievitare ancora 30 minuti in luogo tiepido, poi cospargete con sale grosso, aghi di rosmarino, pepe e olio e cuocete nel forno caldo a 180 ° per 35 minuti.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Hydrochlorothiazide And Aderall

Pane mediteraneo * Bread in Mediterranean

Very tasty bread! So sweet that you can not resist it! Several times I do it and I tired to eat of this bread.
Meraviglioso pane! Così delizioso e profumato che non si può smettere di mangiare! L'ho fatta più volte, ma mai stanco di mangiare di questo pane.
400 ml warm water 30 g yeast

680 g flour 140 ml
3 ч.л. сол
100 г черни маслини без костилки
100 г сушени домати в олио, отцедени

Смесете маята с водата в малка купа. От 440г брашно направете фонтан, сипете yeast, olive oil. Knead a soft dough with your hands. The dough will be quite liquid. Shape into ball and cover it doubles in volume for about an hour and a half hours. Add remaining flour, olives, salt and dried tomatoes. Knead a soft dough and cover to double again in size. Preheat oven to 200 C. Grease two small trays. Carefully no knead a lot and not fall transfer bread dough in pans. Brush each loaf with water and scatter with flour. Leave slightly puffed and bake for about 40 min until golden. Sug chilled 20 minutes before serving.
in italiano:
400 mi di acqua tiepida
30 g di lievito di birra
680 g di farina non trattata
140 mi di olio extra vergine di oliva
3 cucchiaini di sale
100 g di olive nere snocciolate e spezzettate
100 g di pomodori secchi ammollati nell'olio

Combine yeast and warm water in a small bowl and stir until they are slightly mixed. Sift 440 g flour in a bowl and created a fountain in the center. Pour the yeast mixture along with olive oil in the well, using hands, fingers wide open, add the flour to the liquid and continue until you have obtained a fluid mixture. Clean the edges of the bowl, cover with a damp cloth and let rest at room temperature for yeast, for 1-2 hours or until doubled in volume. Stir in the remaining flour, salt, olives, dried tomatoes and mix well. Collect the remaining flour on the edges, cover with a damp cloth and let rest until it is doubled.
Preheat oven to 200 ° C. Lightly butter two baking sheets and divide the risen dough in half (do not worry about the consistency of very soft, it is normal). Be careful not to overwork the dough or it may collapse. Place on baking tray and, with wet hands, flatten slightly to reduce the two forms in thick rectangles 2 / 2 cm. Brush the shapes with cold water and sprinkle evenly with flour. Bake for 35-40 minutes until a skewer inserted into center of bread comes out clean. Transfer to a wire rack and let stand for 20 minutes before serving.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Crossdressing Workplace Skirt Suits

Bignè alle tre creme * Salty puff pastry stuffed with three kinds

4 eggs 1 pinch of salt 150 g flour

100 g butter 250 ml water

Pour water into deep pot and boil with butter. Remove from heat and stir брашнот и солта. Едно по едно добавете яйцата, като след всяко разбъркайте добре. Сипете сместа в пош и разпределете върху тава покрита с пергамент. Големината of how each ball is walnut. Leave space between them because plunk. Bake in preheated oven to 180C for about 15-20 minutes Cool and fill with stuffing.

1. Stir 100 g cream cheese 50 g grated blue cheese and 50 g ricotta.
2. Mix 100 g of mayonnaise, 4-5 rolls of chopped crab, dill, salt and lemon juice.
3.Razbarkayte 100 g sour cream with 2-3 finely chopped pickles, dill and a little pressed garlic clove.

4 uova
a pizzico di sale
150 g di farina
100 g di burro
250 ml di acqua

Versa 2,5 dl di acqua in un pentolino con 100 g of butter and bring to a boil. Add 150 g of flour all at once and a pinch of salt and stir until the mixture comes away from the walls. Let cool and add 4 eggs, one at a time. Arrange the dough into piping bag and let it fall on plate lined with parchment paper, forming many piles as big as walnuts, well-spaced. Bake in preheated oven at 180 ° C for about 15-20 minutes. . Cream puffs stuffed with the mixture.

1.Frullate 100 g of Philadelphia cream type, 50 g Gorgonzola, 50 g of cottage cheese.
2.Frullate 100 g of mayonnaise, 4-5 rolls of crab (surimi) (cut into small pieces), dill, salt, little lemon juice.
3.Frullate 100 g sour cream, 2-3 cetrioli in aceto (tagliati a piccoli pezzetti), aneto, a spizzico di aglio.

With this recipe participate in the collection of Antonella Menu for New Year ".

Con questa ricetta partecipo al contest di Antonella-Menu di Natale .

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

How To Fix Vintage Talking Gi Joe

Braciole di maiale al forno * Pork chops, bone-in oven

idea I saw these delicious steaks in an old issue of Cucina Moderna. They are ideal for busy hosts to feed his family. Prepare quickly and become so tender and delicious.
L'idea di queste deliziose braciole che ho visto in un vecchio numero di Cucina Moderna. Sono ideali per le donne lavoratrici per sfamare la sua famiglia. Preparare rapidamente e diventare così tenero e delizioso.
4 pork loin with bone
3 tablespoons
white flour 3 cloves garlic
tips rosemary 20 g butter
3 tablespoons 5 tablespoons olive oil
dry white wine salt and pepper

Wash and dry steak. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and roll in flour. Chop finely the garlic and rosemary. In a large frying pan suitable for oven melt butter, add chopped herbs and fry for seconds. Add steaks, saute until golden and pour wine. Cover with aluminum foil and place pan in preheated oven on 170S for about 20-30 minutes

in italiano:
4 braciole di maiale
3 cucchiai di farina bianca
3 spicchi d'aglio
4-5 ramette di tenero
rosemary 20 g butter
3 tablespoons extra virgin olive
5 tablespoons dry white wine salt and pepper

Wash and dry the pork chops, then rub the meat with a pinch of salt and freshly ground pepper, and Flour.
Finely chop the garlic and rosemary.
In a large saucepan suitable for the oven, melt butter in oil, add chopped garlic and rosemary and fry for just a moment.
Arrange chops without overlapping and fry on both sides, add the wine, cover with aluminum foil and passed
in forno caldo a 170 ° C per 20-25 minuti. Servite le braciole calde.