Peperoni farciti con riso e tonno * Camby stuffed with rice and tuna
4 камби
60 грама ориз
4 с.л. зехтин
a clove of garlic 1 can tuna
50 g green olives with peppers 1 tablespoon
chopped parsley Salt and pepper Wash
bells, let them dry and then It cut the cap with a handle. Remove seeds, salt and leave them upside down to get out the water.
Boil rice in a large quantity of boiling water. Put in a bowl cooked rice, parsley, chopped olives, a tin of tuna and 3 tablespoons olive oil and mix well. Add salt and pepper. Fill the peppers and cover with lids. Serve cold.
4 peperoni rosi
60 g di riso Vialone nano
4 cucchiai di olio extravergine d'oliva
uno spicchio d'aglio
a scatola di tonno
50 g di olive verdi con peperoni
un cucchiaio di prezzemolo tritato
Lavate i peperoni, asciugateli poi privateli della calotta con il picciolo, estraete i semi e teneteli da parte; lightly season with salt inside and upside down on a plate so that they lose some of the water in vegetation.
Cook rice in abundant salted boiling water. Put it in the bowl of rice, parsley, chopped olives, a tin of tuna and 3 tablespoons oil and stir. Add salt and pepper. Stuffed peppers cover them with their caps. Serve cold.
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