Friday, December 3, 2010

Hydrochlorothiazide And Aderall

Pane mediteraneo * Bread in Mediterranean

Very tasty bread! So sweet that you can not resist it! Several times I do it and I tired to eat of this bread.
Meraviglioso pane! Così delizioso e profumato che non si può smettere di mangiare! L'ho fatta più volte, ma mai stanco di mangiare di questo pane.
400 ml warm water 30 g yeast

680 g flour 140 ml
3 ч.л. сол
100 г черни маслини без костилки
100 г сушени домати в олио, отцедени

Смесете маята с водата в малка купа. От 440г брашно направете фонтан, сипете yeast, olive oil. Knead a soft dough with your hands. The dough will be quite liquid. Shape into ball and cover it doubles in volume for about an hour and a half hours. Add remaining flour, olives, salt and dried tomatoes. Knead a soft dough and cover to double again in size. Preheat oven to 200 C. Grease two small trays. Carefully no knead a lot and not fall transfer bread dough in pans. Brush each loaf with water and scatter with flour. Leave slightly puffed and bake for about 40 min until golden. Sug chilled 20 minutes before serving.
in italiano:
400 mi di acqua tiepida
30 g di lievito di birra
680 g di farina non trattata
140 mi di olio extra vergine di oliva
3 cucchiaini di sale
100 g di olive nere snocciolate e spezzettate
100 g di pomodori secchi ammollati nell'olio

Combine yeast and warm water in a small bowl and stir until they are slightly mixed. Sift 440 g flour in a bowl and created a fountain in the center. Pour the yeast mixture along with olive oil in the well, using hands, fingers wide open, add the flour to the liquid and continue until you have obtained a fluid mixture. Clean the edges of the bowl, cover with a damp cloth and let rest at room temperature for yeast, for 1-2 hours or until doubled in volume. Stir in the remaining flour, salt, olives, dried tomatoes and mix well. Collect the remaining flour on the edges, cover with a damp cloth and let rest until it is doubled.
Preheat oven to 200 ° C. Lightly butter two baking sheets and divide the risen dough in half (do not worry about the consistency of very soft, it is normal). Be careful not to overwork the dough or it may collapse. Place on baking tray and, with wet hands, flatten slightly to reduce the two forms in thick rectangles 2 / 2 cm. Brush the shapes with cold water and sprinkle evenly with flour. Bake for 35-40 minutes until a skewer inserted into center of bread comes out clean. Transfer to a wire rack and let stand for 20 minutes before serving.


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