February 14, 2011 at 10:40
"That women was a partisan mobilization, shame.
Resignations are inadmissible in a proposal, I have not betrayed the mandate electoral reforms, nor have I betrayed. "[This guy debauched Council]
Well done idiot!
still spit on you, you who vomits in his face all the scorn,
do a little 'because it was not enough.
Shame? Pacciani told by an amateur is not even laughable offense, rather disgrace, another, in addition to all the others that sooner or later have to answer for.

As I said I have never strongly abducted by the initiative yesterday, or not convinced of the motives or the method, I can not accept yet another insult to a man nothing that gives more and more signs of the imbalance that is gripping in his surreal world, dominated by the power of money, able to bribe those who are selling everything himself, including his dignity.
Well done idiot!

Not only is the tenderness that perhaps resembles the shame, the one who must prove his children, but the horror of having a father as a maniac, dangerous to himself and his property, detrimental to an entire population and that if they were smart, would make provision to prohibit.
am a woman, an imperfect person, but I do not accept to be told that I should be ashamed as a woman, because women meant to say, crying, that you never sell an old pig, or a bowl of soup, nor a place to minister. The freedom that his sick mind and its advertisers have stolen, it is good but you can not buy wins. Freedom, true, that we will make him succeed sooner or later.

Is there really nothing to be ashamed, but to have started too late to raise their heads, as we were busy fighting other battles, such as those for work and survival, we have always lost because nothing can be against jerks. There is no way to get them to reason, you can not push a fool to look at things with another eye, a different perspective. An idiot is an idiot. And that guy is the first of idiots who pay someone to think for him.
There is no shame to keep your head high. There is no shame
nell'accorgersi slowly that it is time to assert themselves for who we are - not just women - but human beings.
The only shame is that I am willing to allow me to know that I will never do enough to make an idiot, megalomaniac, sex maniac and addict himself, continues to throw the lives of decent people into consumptive where has thrown, poverty and despair, sadness and loneliness.
Perhaps the days like yesterday make you might think, maybe just for a moment, that you can stop, finally, to be ashamed.
Rita Pani (stateless)
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